Imago Couples Workshops

Couples Workshop Retreat

Getting the Love You Want

A Workshop for Couples

Cancelled due to COVID-19

Based on the Best Seller by Harville Hendrix PhD

Workshop Location

1440 Multiversity,800 Bethany Drive,
Scotts Valley, CA 95066

Reservations Call Center Hours
Mon–Fri: 8:00 am to 6:00 pm PT
Sat: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm PT,Closed Sun

Is this Workshop for You?

What’s your Current Relationship Status?

  • Are you near Break-Up and wondering if your relationship can survive?
  • Are you Trapped in arguments and longing to reconnect?
  • Are you Comfortable but wondering where the fun has gone?
  • Are you wanting to improve your Communication patterns?
  • Are you New to one another and want to keep the sizzle?

If you answered Yes to any of these questions

This Workshop is for You!

You’ll learn a new way to communicate that removes all criticism, blame and judgement.

You’ll discover the source of your conflict and what to do about it.

You’ll learn that under stress, one of you withdraws and the other pursues. The behavior you choose causes your partner the most pain and increases conflict. You’ll learn what to do instead.

You’ll understand how to regulate your nervous system to reduce reactivity.

You’ll discover how to increase emotional and physical intimacy.

You’ll rediscover joy, passion, and playfulness.

You’ll reconnect with your best friend.

Do most Couples Struggle?

Relationship Troubles?

Most couples assume that “frustration” in their relationship means they chose the wrong person. The purpose of frustration is to awaken you (without some, you’d stop growing). When couples are frustrated, they begin to criticize one another, and start feeling hopeless, stuck, unappreciated and unloved. In this workshop you’ll learn a new way to communicate that you can use immediately to reconnect with your partner. You’ll discover how to treat one another so you’ll both feel loved and appreciated.

Your Family Legacy

Family legacies are created and handed down from one generation to the next. Typically, the primary relationship training a child receives begins by observing the relationship patterns between his or her parents or caretakers. Therefore, your relationship model influences your child’s development and later becomes the basis for your child’s future partner selection. Are you ready to heal your relationship “and” provide a healthy and happy model for many generations?